Friday, November 9, 2007

Duped and Distressed

I told Hub the other day when we were invited to a social gathering, it was not a good idea. When you tend to be as reclusive as we are, (and hate the dreaded trip to town as much as we do), we have little, if any, immunity. And so, I was right. Sure enough I picked up a bug.

But so what? I was in expert hands with Hub with his whack of certificates that make him an expert in First-Aid, Resuscitation, Tourniquets, Heimlich maneuvers, shock recognition and prompt medical treatment.

Now I, on the other hand, have never been to any of these classes. So I don’t know what is involved. But I do know what isn’t involved. And the gaps have certainly swayed my confidence in the value of certified caregivers.

These are the things Hub does not know and how could this happen with him going to another intensive 3-day seminar every time I turn around?

1. He doesn’t know how comforting it is to have one’s pillows fluffed and flipped.

2. He doesn’t know that sick people need to be provided with food and encouraged to eat something—anything. Small, bland, yet attractive meals. At the least, tea and soda crackers, or maybe delicately cut bites of soft toast with a bit of broth.

3. He doesn’t know that sick people should have a bedside jug of ice water replaced at least twice a day.

4. He doesn’t know how comforting it is to the patient to have a warm sponge bath – arms and face if nothing else. Or a bit of hair brushing.

5. He doesn’t know how healing a lavender-scented back-rub can be.

6. He doesn’t know how the sick one will hide under a blanket and grin with sheer delight when the caregiver shows dedication by turning off the Lone Star Channel and checking the condition of the patient frequently (clumsily, on tip toe) to see if anything more can be done.

7. Or even how reparative it is to the patient to hear Hub telling the puppies they must be quiet cause Mom isn’t feeling well.

8. He doesn’t know that it wouldn’t hurt to feel my forehead, even if his callused hands aren’t sensitive enough to pick up a fever.

9. He doesn’t know how important it is to query if the patient wants more blankets or less blankets. Or how glorious it is to have one’s toes tucked in.

He doesn’t know how all these things guarantee a speedy recovery. On second thought, maybe not. Maybe if he knew all these things I’d still be sick – very sick!

But the big question in my mind is how can anyone attend so many seminars given by professionals with such intensity and earnestness and write all those exams and still miss so much of the really important stuff?


Anonymous said...

Wonderful post! Though as a former EMT I would say the difference is in the term of emergency care rather than loving coupla-two-tree-days care.

No, they didn't teach flip and fluff methods. But I betcha he comes running at the first hint of a cough taking it as a possible choaking.

Joy Des Jardins said...

Hub has got to sign up for those 'other' courses. You know...."How To Pamper The Ones That Count" and "Making The Most of Your Bedside Manner....and Meaning It."

Hope you're definiely on the mend Roberta....big healing hugs coming your way.....

Pauline said...

Have him read this and then he'll know!

Spicy said...

Nothing as comforting as a foot rub..or playing your favorite music ...or reading quietly to you.
For that..I would play sick...I couldn't get any attention even if I got run over...hubby would be checking the tires.
Get well Roberta...

Roberta S said...

Glad you enjoyed the post, susan. And you're right, there wouldn't be a moment's hesitation to kick in if the Heimlich maneuver was needed.

Roberta S said...

joy and pauline, thanks for commenting. I casually know the individual who teaches many of these courses. I think I'll pass this list on to her. I know she'll get a huge kick out of it. And furthermore if she stresses these points Hub will take them a lot more earnestly then if I tell him.

Roberta S said...

Thanks for stopping in, matty. We do know what we like, do we not?

And thanks for sending good wishes.