Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The Mundane and Abnormal

I’ve been slipping into some rather dark philosophical topics lately. So maybe, just to avoid that kind of crap I’ll switch topics for a time. I’m thinking—simple, mundane. And so let me warn you, it doesn’t get any more mundane than this will after the first couple of thoughts.

Eldest Daughter and family expected to leave on a road trip on Saturday so Thursday, we had an Easter celebration and dinner at Eldest Daughter’s house. Then Friday, Hub and I and youngest daughter had another lovely Easter Dinner, this time with Neighbor, his wife, and daughter. Our friends provided a huge roaster of stuffed green peppers. I added potato salad, perogies, and breaded cod to the menu. Seems like an unlikely mix but the flavors complemented each other in a surprisingly pleasant way. And for dessert we had fresh rhubarb pie with ice cream.

Now—to the mundane. Easter Sunday was not so special, or was it? When Hub came to the kitchen he took both my hands in his, looked me in the eyes, with you know—that special endearing look and pronounced a heart-felt wish for my Easter Sunday. “I wish,” he said, “I had bought you some flowers, but I didn’t.”

Not exactly a Hallmark moment. So after that ‘Easter Surprise’, we had a breakfast of bacon and fried left-over perogies (yum, yum) and then we hunkered down to do income tax. Painful, prolonged misery. Then a quick break of grilled cheese sandwiches and a 30-minute dog walk. Then an income tax review and a quickly assembled supper of cream of broccoli soup with left-over ham and veggies…and cheddar for flavor.

Simple food, a mundane day, but I have to admit that Easter Sunday, after the wealth of Easter Sundays I’ve chalked up over the years, was uniquely different – starting with Hub’s Easter Wish, the quietness of the day (no televisions blaring) and no guests. A day primarily concerned with Income Tax Prep rather than a fun game of Scrabble or socializing around a jig-saw puzzle, and simple food rather than a 10-course feast. To some that might sound like a downer. But the unique is unforgettable, the normal easy to forget. So, if only for that reason, I have to admit Easter Sunday this year was special enough that I will probably remember it with clear distinction for many years to come.

P.S. An unrelated note to gardeners:
I went to the greenhouse today and recovered the basket of garden seeds I put there last fall. Does anyone know if freezing seeds affects germination? Every other year I have kept my seeds in the basement.


susan said...

I would think that the seeds will be fine. After all, if unpicked from the plants, they fall to the ground and come up all by themselves!

susan @ spinning

Roberta S said...

In this neck of the woods, susan, some do. But I think some don't as well. These are just common vegetable seeds and I've got so many brand new packages that I hope you're right.

Pauline said...

I think it is more the temperature at the time of germination that is crucial. Once the seeds thaw and warm up sufficiently, they should sprout. Give them a try and see...

I am glad you could find joy in your simple Easter Sunday. The mundane often holds such small joys.

Spicy said...

I think you had a lovely Easter..and I think Hub is wonderful...to hold your hands and wish he had bought you flowers. Hope you told him, its never too late.
I bought my own, as I usually do at least once a month.
My son took the kids for the weekend, so I could paint my bedroom. We had our meal Monday night so everyone could attend.
What ever happened to daughter-in-laws who always got up after a meal and helped clean up, and put away leftovers? Is that a thing of the past?

Roberta S said...

Hi pauline, between you and susan, I hope you're right. Hub also thinks I don't need to worry. Most people would just buy new seeds if they were worried but I don't want to waste them and at the same time I don't want to fall to my knees in the garden and weep over little peas and carrots that didn't sprout.

Roberta S said...

matty, thanks for the comment. Sounds like you had a unique Easter Sunday as well.
I have no daughter-in-laws so I don't know the problem there. If I have guests like that that go to the livingroom and relax as soon as a meal is over, Hub usually takes care of it by saying, "One thing about eating here -- you don't have to help with the clean-up if you don't want to." As oblique as that statement is, some don't get it, but even the ones that don't get it, get the guilt that comes with it and return to the kitchen to lend a hand.