Friday, May 21, 2010

Total Intellectual Nonsense

Now, wouldn’t you agree that being flattered for the wisdom of one’s mind is indeed a warmer thing than being flattered for one’s beauty?

But here we run into so many problems. The intellectual mind is too conservative to be publicly displayed. And though intellect is a grand collective of sense, of the greatest quantity, and finest quality, yet there is no way to hand it over to others to touch and marvel over.

I suppose one could say, if I was an intellect, which I am not, that I could reveal the extent of my wisdom through new discoveries, grand oratories, a book, and the like. But without one great lot of public exposure, that kind of revelation could take forever.

It all sounds so impossible, finding a way to ‘show off’ intellect. But, amazingly, there has recently developed a solution that bypasses all the difficulties I have already stated. And this solution I have derived from the blessedness of idly watching television.

What I have noticed is a new form of ‘suffix-ality’ used to display intellectuality. I might not have noticed but the effect is a kind of ‘grammar tic’ that pains the ear and interrupts straight talk like a sour note in music. But at the same time, these are interjections that provide inarguable evidence of intellectual prowess.

For example: ‘Carnal’ becomes ‘carnality’. ‘Function’ becomes ‘functionality’ ‘Constitution’ becomes ‘constitutionality’. Words like this have no greater or lesser meaning than the original root word, but the shorter word cannot form the desired perception of wisdom beyond that of men or women of commonality.

So there you have it. Problem of show-casing intellectuality completely resolved. Who could have ever imagined that it could be so easy? Mentality transported with such swift verticality by simply discarding oh-so-dire plain English and replacing it with a new sophisticality of lingu-ality.

All together now in the midst of our happy dance…



Joy Des Jardins said...

I think you've got something there Roberta. You really put your finger on the problemality. Thanks. ~Joy

Pauline said...

nothing like a little inspirationality to further our intellectuality eh? yours in graditudinal delight

Roberta S said...

The two commenters above? That would be my very, very, intellectual friends. I'd love them to be doing morning television.

They so make me laugh. They truly are so skilled -- so very wise.

(They caught on to the new 'reality Pig Latin' as quick as a wink. Now watch the scouts of television plundering this site for individuals for a new series -- Reality Intellectuality.

Dick said...

Bang on target, Roberta. Plain English is going down for the third time!

Roberta S said...

Thanks for visiting, Dick. Scary, what you said, because the third time means no more resurfacing of simple plain language.
Oh dear, oh dear, 'tis a very sad thing.

brad4d said...

there is no normality to return to..
Would Thomas Paine write, Sensuality Commonality?

Roberta S said...

Hi brad4d, though your question be one of rhetoricality, I still think Thomas Paine would not write that. Actually that title sounds quite hilarious in its foolishity.

Thanks for visiting.